- Simple NextError macros are supplied for editors. But they do no
work correctly when your documents consist of multiple files, because
the logfile is not analyzed deeply enough to determine the correct
- DME support: I'd like to add macros for Matthew Dillon's DME
editor, however as far as I know, this editor is lacking one feature
that the present macros require: DME cannot be called through ARexx
from other sources. DME can call ARexx, but the reverse is not true.
Thus I don't see how to write an appropriate TeXedit.rexx macro
for DME. Start_TeX.dme would be no problem. You'll have to load
the logfile yourself.
Please report all bugs, ideas, suggestions to:
Jörg Höhle
(hoehle@cs.uni-sb.de or Joerg_Hoehle@SAARAG.ZER)